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Choosing the Right Benchmade Knives


It can be difficult to decide what kind of folding knife you need. There are just so many options of Benchmade knives for sale. Some of it is going to depend on what you intend to use your knife for in the future. A self-defense knife is not really going to be the same as a hunting knife. You also may decide that you just need something that is all-purpose. Here are a few tips to help get you through this process.


You should start off by deciding how big of a knife you need. The length of the blade is extremely important. Smaller blades are easy to carry, and if you have to go into rough neighborhoods, they are good self-defense. However, they are not as strong as larger knives, and if you are a hunter, they probably will not do much against attacking animals. More information can be found when you visit this website. Larger knives are more cumbersome. You will feel them when you carry them; however, they can handle almost any job you need them to do. Larger blades are illegal in some towns and cities, so you will have to do some research to stay in compliance with the law.


Benchmade Knives for all your Needs


Now, you need to think about how many blades you need. Many people tend to prefer as few as possible, but multi-tool knives can come in handy. One example of a multi-tool knife is a Swiss Army knife. They are extremely versatile and can bail you out of a lot of jams. Single blade knives tend to be stronger, and they can cut a little better than their counterparts.

Finally, you need to think about the type of blade you need when you shop for Benchmade knives. Serrated blades are great for sawing and pull cuts. However, they are a little clumsy, and they leave jagged cuts. You definitely would not be happy if your surgeon decided to use a serrated blade. Plain blades are old school, and they make great push cuts. They are not as strong as serrated blades, but they can get the job done smoothly. A middle way is available with partially serrated blades, so that can be a good option as well.


All you have to do is honestly ask yourself what you will use the Benchmade knife for. If your goal is all purpose, I would suggest a middle length with a partially serrated blade that has no more than two blades. This will give you a ton of flexibility and a ton of strength. My suggestion would be to do as much research as possible, or you can talk to a professional at an outdoors store in your community. I hope this has been helpful in your knife buying experience!


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